Trolley Dancesâ„¢

In partnership with San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, SDDT has presented Trolley Dances™ for over 25 years. Trolley Dances™ was created by former Artistic Director Jean Isaacs to make dance accessible to our entire community by taking art “to the people.” Each fall, tour guides lead groups of audience members on and off the trolley to view original pieces of site-specific choreography. More than 50 community and company dancers perform at various sites.

Kids on Board Program
Kids on Board is a school field trip outreach program for Trolley Dances™. The event is held on a Friday each year and provides free tours to local classes, in addition to in-school dance workshops.
For more information on how to attend
Kids on Board, contact Kayla Remo at kayla@sandiegodancetheater.org